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Why Madrona invested in Pulumi

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Why Madrona invested in Pulumi

About Madrona Ventures

Madrona is a venture firm that invests in early- to late-stage companies in the Pacific Northwest and beyond.

  • 📌 Seattle, Washington, United States
  • 👥 51-100
  • 📊 Venture Capital
  • 🌟 Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Post-Ipo, Seed, Venture
  • 🌐 www.madrona.com

 About  Pulumi

Pulumi is a cloud engineering company that offers a way to build, connect, and run modern cloud applications.

  • 📌 Seattle, Washington, United States
  • 👥 101-250
  • 📊 Series C
  • 🌟 Private
  • 🌐 www.pulumi.com

Our Investment in Pulumi

Today I am very excited to announce our investment in Pulumi.

Pulumi aims to fundamentally improve the way people build, manage, and interact with cloud-native applications, services, and infrastructure.

The Cloud-Native Transformation

There is a massive movement to the cloud among enterprise customers around the world.

As that trend continues to gather and gain momentum, new and transformative techniques are required as customers truly begin to take advantage of cloud-native capabilities.

This transformation grows leaps and bounds with serverless computing starting to emerge as the next frontier to enable truly distributed applications and services that are powered by microservices and event-driven functions.

Recent Breakthroughs in Cloud Infrastructure

Recent cloud infrastructure breakthroughs include serverless, containers and hosted cloud infrastructure.

Containers are great for complex stateful systems, often taking existing codebases and moving them to the cloud. Serverless functions are perfect for ultra-low-cost event- and API-oriented systems.

Hosted infrastructure lets you focus on your application-specific requirements, instead of reinventing the wheel by manually hosting something that your cloud provider can do better and cheaper.

Arguably, each is “serverless” in its own way because infrastructure and servers fade into the background.

“This disruptive sea change is enabling Pulumi to deliver a single platform and tools suite that allow developers to build and ship code to the cloud in the easiest and fastest way.”

The Founding Team

Eric Rudder, Joe Duffy and Luke Hoban are a world-class team to deliver such transformative experiences in a cloud-native world. They have decades of experience in platforms, tools, and programming models.

Eric Rudder was one of the most senior executives at Microsoft, including running the $10B+ Server and Tools business, serving as a Technical Advisor to Bill Gates, and most recently as the EVP for Advanced Technology before leaving Microsoft.

Joe Duffy was a senior technical engineering leader at Microsoft and was a critical part of the early team that built .

NET and C#. Most recently, he was Director of Engineering and Developer Tools Strategy and, in that role, was instrumental in open sourcing .

NET and taking it cross-platform to Linux and Mac.

Luke has held a variety of product and engineering roles at Amazon and Microsoft. While at Microsoft, Luke co-founded TypeScript and developed Go support for Visual Studio Code.

I have had the privilege and the fortune to have worked with Eric, Joe and Luke closely over the years, and their passion to solve hard problems for developers and enterprise customers is unparalleled.

I am personally very excited for the opportunity to work with this very talented group of people.

We are confident that this kind of a world-class team is what is going to help drive a breakthrough as cloud-native becomes fundamental to enterprise software today and in the future.


We are doubly excited to partner with Pulumi given it is a Seattle-based early-stage start-up focused on native-cloud environment with a world-class founding team.

Please join me in welcoming Eric, Joe, Luke and the Pulumi team to the Madrona family!

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