Home / Why Bessemer Venture Partners invested in Unito

Why Bessemer Venture Partners invested in Unito

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Why Bessemer Venture Partners invested in Unito

About Bessemer Venture

Bessemer Venture Partners is a venture capital firm that invests in enterprise, consumer, and healthcare early-to-late stage startups.

  • 📌 San Francisco, California, United States
  • 👥 11-50
  • 📊 Venture Capital
  • 🌟 Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture
  • 🌐 www.bvp.com

About Unito

Unito automatically synchronizes your projects, tasks and conversations between different work management tools.

  • 📌 Montréal, Quebec, Canada
  • 👥 51-100
  • 📊 Series B
  • 🌟 Private
  • 🌐 unito.io

Our Series A investment in Unito

Finding that “single source of truth” is the modern-day white whale of the workplace. Here’s why we’re excited to partner with Unito’s co-founders Marc Boscher and Eryk Warren.

While developers and knowledge workers have more autonomy than ever before—working with their favorite tools from any location, on any device, and at any time—teams still need an easy way to get and stay on the same page.

Finding that “single source of truth” is the modern-day white whale of the workplace, especially for collaboration and knowledge sharing platforms.

Finding that ‘single source of truth’ is the modern-day white whale of the workplace.

When we first met Marc Boscher in 2016, before Unito had even launched, his vision for creating a straightforward and collaborative work environment resonated with us.

Since then, we have been following Marc’s product leadership and early traction in building Unito, the two-way workflow automation tool, and we’re excited to lead their $10.5 million Series A round.

The Problem: Disconnected Tools and Fragmented Workflows

Marc felt firsthand the frustration of working across too many tools, having led product development and management at three tech startups in the medical and digital signage sectors. Along the way, he also completed a computer science degree at McGill University.

Like so many product managers, Marc had to constantly switch tabs among tools like Asana, Jira, Salesforce, and Zendesk, copying over the same information to make sure everyone was up to date and somehow catching things before they fell through the cracks.

And because product management sits in the middle of engineering, customer service, sales, and marketing, product managers typically don’t have authority on which tools these teams use every day.

Having to switch between different accounts and solutions isn’t just annoying; it also eats away at productivity levels and makes collaboration more difficult. From our vantage point at Bessemer, this continues to be an all too common problem we see across different types of companies and on product teams and beyond.

The Solution: Unito’s No-Code Workflow Automation Platform

Marc wanted there to be a way for people to seamlessly collaborate across teams, without ever having to leave their own tech stack. He built Unito to empower people to create their personalized workflow—be it in project management, engineering, or any other part of the business—while staying on the same page with other stakeholders.

Unito’s no-code platform enables anybody to set up two-way data syncing capabilities and workflows across ten of the modern workforce’s favorite products, including GitHub, Jira, Trello, Asana, Wrike, GitLab, HubSpot, and Zendesk. Today, Unito has thousands of happy customers across 90 countries, leveraging the platform to unite work across their tools, teams, and organizations.

For example, a large media company uses Unito to sync Trello boards and surface information across global newsrooms so people can see which stories are breaking in different regions. Then there’s a SaaS analytics company that employs Unito to provide visibility across product, engineering, and QA—a total of 160 people—so everyone is aligned on the development process.

Backing World-Class Leadership and a Phenomenal Team

Beyond a fantastic product, we’re energized to back world-class leadership. We love partnering with founders who have personal experiences with the problems they’re tackling, and Marc has been laser-focused on combining his firsthand experience with customer feedback to better the product.

He and his co-founder Eryk Warren have brought on a phenomenal team, and we could not be more excited to join them on their journey to change the way people work for the better.


After decades of investing in best-of-breed solutions and applications across industries and company functions, we know that people are most productive when they use their favorite tools.

Given that employees use eight or more different SaaS applications on average, people no longer need to compromise on what they use in order to collaborate better.

Helping teams attain that elusive single source of truth in a multi-tool reality is why we’re excited to work with Marc and Eryk as they pioneer advancements in workflow automation.


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