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McKinsey: US Productivity Growth: The Company and Sector Story 

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The presentation “US Productivity Growth: The Company and Sector Story” by McKinsey & Company, shared at the Peterson Institute for International Economics on October 16, 2015, delves into the multifaceted dynamics of productivity across various sectors in the United States.

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McKinsey: US Productivity Growth: The Company and Sector Story 

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McKinsey Presentation: US Productivity Growth: The Company and Sector Story

Key Learnings from the Presentation

The presentation “US Productivity Growth: The Company and Sector Story” by McKinsey & Company, shared at the Peterson Institute for International Economics on October 16, 2015, delves into the multifaceted dynamics of productivity across various sectors in the United States. Below is a synthesis of the essential insights and actionable findings from the document:

Overview and Productivity Dynamics

  • The presentation underscores the complexity of productivity performance, identifying both company managerial and operational factors, as well as industry dynamics and external factors, as key drivers. These elements range from exposure to global best practices and competitive intensity to regulatory environments and macroeconomic conditions.
  • McKinsey’s vast sectoral analysis across countries illustrates the depth of its accumulated knowledge, emphasizing the universal importance of understanding productivity dynamics to enhance sector and company performance.

Historical Perspective on Productivity Growth

  • A detailed review of the 1990s highlights a period of robust productivity growth, driven by a virtuous cycle of job growth and value addition across sectors like professional services, manufacturing, and information technology.
  • The narrative changes in the 2000s, with significant productivity improvements often accompanied by job losses, particularly evident in sectors like manufacturing, where efficiency gains were paramount.

Sectoral Insights

  • The retail sector, exemplified by Wal-Mart’s evolution, showcases direct and indirect influences on retail productivity growth, underlining the impact of operational efficiencies and market share dynamics.
  • In manufacturing, the early 2000s were marked by productivity gains led by restructuring in large establishments, highlighting the sector’s capacity to adapt and innovate in response to changing market demands.

Post-recession Productivity Trends

  • After the 2008 recession, most sectors demonstrated positive contributions to productivity, albeit with employment contractions in numerous industries. This period reflects a challenging economic landscape where productivity gains were often achieved at the cost of job growth.

Opportunities for Accelerating Productivity Growth

  • McKinsey identifies significant opportunities to accelerate productivity growth across all sectors, emphasizing both frontier-pushing innovations and efficiency improvements to close existing gaps. The analysis spans several sectors, including agriculture, automotive manufacturing, retail, and healthcare, suggesting targeted strategies for each to boost productivity.
  • A notable insight is that a substantial portion of productivity growth potential in developed countries stems from catching up, indicating a broad scope for improvements by adopting best practices and innovations.

Catalysts for Future Productivity Spurts

  • The presentation outlines potential catalysts for future productivity growth spurts, including regulatory changes, technology-enabled productivity growth, and increased competition. Additionally, it identifies twelve disruptive technologies, ranging from mobile internet and cloud technology to advanced robotics and renewable energy, underscoring their potential to radically transform industries and productivity landscapes.

About McKinsey

McKinsey & Company stands as a premier entity in the global management consulting sphere, initiated by James O. McKinsey in 1926. Anchored in New York City, this firm has carved a distinguished position in the consulting arena, offering strategic guidance across the globe to a diverse clientele that includes businesses, governments, and various institutions.

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